Thursday, March 22, 2012

Off Season Fitness

     Spring is probably an odd time to talk about off-season training however with the length of many competitive soccer seasons its never a perfect time to mention it.  By the way, I’m very glad that spring is here and this is my blog so I’m going to talk about it anyway.  A lot of our soccer players practically play year-round.  Even with a somewhat short off-season many players like to take in an indoor or futsal league on their “free” time.  All for love of the game. 
     Just my own personal opinion but I think its good for these athletes to take a break away from the game and do something different for a few weeks.  After a long season there is a great deal of latent fatigue that shows itself in weight loss, mild depression, slow healing injuries and more.  A break from the game is a good thing in many different ways.  This doesn’t mean that the athlete should just sit and do nothing.  Okay, do nothing for a week but then get out and do something active.  Consider this an active vacation from soccer.   Sort of like a weekend fishing trip with the boys so your wife can shop with her girlfriends.  You still love each other but a break is a great thing.  (Excuse the stereotype but you get the point.) 
     Active rest is the original “cross-training”.  Any activity is great however there are some that lend themselves well to the game of soccer.  Hiking is good, especially if there are lots of hills to work the quads and lungs.  If you have snow where you live then cross-country skiing is an excellent way to build cardiovascular fitness as well as leg strength.  Some of the “most fit” athletes based on VO2max (maximal oxygen consumption) are Nordic cross-country skiers so  this is a great way to go in the winter months.  Another activity that is very good for soccer players is cycling.  Cycling is low impact and thus allows nagging recurrent injuries to heal.  It’s also very good at building up the musculature around the knees.  This never hurts a soccer player.  Plus it helps build those all-important quads that soccer players need.
     Another good reason for this alternate group of activities is psychological.  I guarantee that after a couple of weeks off, a soccer player will return to the game with increased passion and energy for the game.  I think I’m due for a fishing trip.

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