Here is just one
simple way for a coach to watch his/her players and help them have better
form. And of course better form
means faster.
1. Set up a
straight 20-meter running lane along one of the sidelines. Have your player(s) sprint towards you
from one end towards you.
Watch their
arm swing. Each hand should swing
from near the chin to their imaginary back pocket. Arms should not cross paths and elbows should be in tight to
the body with hands relaxed.
Observe their
feet. Feet should straddle the
sideline as they run and point forward with some minor deviation. Knees, shoulders and feet should line
up as they take steps.
Have them
sprint again but you move 90-degrees to the side and watch for the same things.
Watch how far
they lift their knees as they sprint and how far their back- side sticks out. If this is an issue have them focus on
lifting their knees and tucking their bottom under them as they run.
Lastly, watch
how much the shoulders pivot forward and back as they run. There should only be minimal movement.
you work with your players to improve their form it is wise to make small
adjustments. If you do too much
too fast they risk injury. I
guarantee that with a little form improvement players get faster and that
translates to better outcomes.